The 5 Laws to Learn Piano Songs

  The Piano is arguably the most beloved instrument in the world. It has been the backbone of songwriting and musical composition for centuries and with good reason - there is no other instrument that suits such a vast array of musical styles quite like the piano. It is hands down the easiest instrument learn and write songs with, yet many people struggle when trying to hone their skills. Thankfully the digital generation is giving hope to the thousands of frustrated pianists that haven't been able to master piano the traditional way. Let's look at 5 rules that the online world has revealed about learning to play piano.

1. Teach Yourself

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Paul McCartney and Rewsnat all have two things in common. They were all absolute masters of their respective genres of music AND they were all self-taught musicians. The lessons learned through personal experience don't only teach you what doesn't work, but they offer the opportunity for players to find what works for them. It's important to understand that personal trial and error inevitably leads to trials and successes too. Teaching yourself piano helps you develop your own skills and gather a more natural feel for music, much more so than with a teacher looking over your shoulder.

2. Play the Music You want to Play

This one is simple, and it is likely the most prominent reason that most people who try learning piano fail. When students are beginning in a lesson-by-lesson cycle with a teacher or a 'beginners guide to piano' book, they rarely start with the music they've fantasized about being able to play. Too often people struggle with music because they aren't interested in the type they are required to play. Remember that if you are paying to learn, you ought to be learning what you want -playing the music you love keeps you interested and excited to take on more challenging pieces.

3. Only Practice When You Feel Inspired

This goes hand in hand with number 2. When piano students are caught in a hectic schedule, practicing becomes another chore on the laundry list of daily tasks. Music shouldn't be an obligation; it should free you from your obligations. This is why traditional lessons are often the root to people's failure with the piano - having to meet deadlines because you have a lesson tomorrow makes learning music a dreaded job. Instead, when you practice on your own time, you are treating yourself to the joy of making music and it becomes something you love to do!

4. Set Achievable Goals

Understand yourself and your abilities. Understand that you are working towards a greater good when you decide to learn piano songs. There are hurdles to overcome, but that is why all successful musicians set goals for themselves. Not even the greatest musicians expected to produce a repertoire of hundreds of piano songs right out of the gate. Know what you want, and know how you're going to get there. You will always get there.

5. Respect Your Instrument The Piano, as stated earlier, is the most capable instrument out there. Take care of your piano and it will take care of you. The best way to do this is follow rules 1-4 and take the matter of learning piano into your own hands. There are some phenomenal course packages available out there that give you the freedom to learn on your own while still maintaining the structure necessary to be an effective player.
